Fostering spiritual development, academic excellence, & service to others.
DonateChildren are supervised in the building and on the playground during school hours. Children cannot be supervised before and after school hours; therefore, children arriving prior to the 8:25 a.m. and/or remaining on school grounds after 3:00 p.m. will be sent to Educare, and families will be billed according to Educare drop-in rates.
One fire drill is conducted at an unannounced time during each month except in inclement, severe weather. (State Law 476.28.280) All persons must leave the school in a quick, quiet and orderly fashion. After the children have evacuated the building and have assembled at their assigned places, each teacher calls roll to account for each pupil of his or her classroom. A report is made to the principal. For obvious reasons, talking is not allowed during a fire drill.
Lockdown drills are held monthly as well. Classrooms are secured with students safely hidden in designated areas. Talking is not allowed during a lockdown drill.
Winter holds special dangers all its own. No snowballs are allowed on school grounds for any reason. Children are not allowed to break icicles on trees or buildings. Any form of ski-jogging is strictly prohibited. During winter, students are encouraged to be extra careful. Boots and warm clothing are recommended as we go outside unless there is a safety issue. Outdoor recess will be canceled during extremely inclement weather. Lack of appropriate winter clothing does not constitute a reason for children staying indoors. All students must come prepared for the weather.
Except for an emergency, neither teachers nor pupils are called to the phone during the school day. Cell phones, IPODS, smart watch devices, etc. are not to be seen or heard during the school day, until students are in their vehicle and/or off school property. Cell phones or other electronic devices may be kept for a period of time in the school office if necessary. All electronic devices are included in the school’s internet usage agreement.
This policy was established to make users of the school data network aware of their rights and responsibilities. Students and their parents must sign the Acceptable Use Policy prior to accessing the internet. This policy is established to maximize the value of those resources to the school community while permitting maximum freedom of use consistent with law, the school’s mission statement and a productive environment. Violation of this policy can result in reprimand, loss of account privileges, and/or referral to school disciplinary action. All students and parents are required to sign an internet usage and chromebook agreement.